

翻译的技巧和方法有很多,但是只有在构建了良好的句子结构的基础上,使用适当的技巧和方法才能起到画龙点睛的作用,为了提高广大考生翻译能力,和谐英语学习网整理了以下英语四级考试翻译高分训练题资料,供考生复习。   1: The truck driver is __________________________________(对这起交通事故负全责).
  2:In the court, the defendant ____________________________(声称自己是清白的).
  3:Unemployed, John ________________________________(几乎无法维持生计).
  4:________________________________(中国政府声明任何情况下都不首先) use nuclear weapons.
  5:___________________________(要想他人尊重你),you should learn to respect them first.
  6: _________________________( 我刚刚到家 ) than the telephone rang.
  7:The old man regretted __________________________( 一事无成 ) in his life.
  8:____________________( 他五十多岁 ), but he looks younger than his age.
  9:Many big cities in the world ________________________( 正面临淡水资源短缺 ).
  10:He said nothing, leaving me _____________________ ( 对他的计划毫不知情 ).
  11: He clenched his teeth to_______________ (确定事故中遭受的伤口的疼痛).
  12: I'd rather read books in the library ______________________( 也不愿上课 ).
  13:Our aim is to ____________________________( 全心全意为人民服务 ).
  14:I'd like to _______________________( 借此机会 ) to express my heartfelt thanks for your help.
  15:The court ruling _________________________( 剥夺了他的政治权利 ).