


44. slavery was __________ in canada in 1833, and canadian authorities encouraged the slaves, who escaped from america, to settle on its vast virgin land
a) diluted b) dissipated
c) abolished d) resigned
45. unfortunately, the new edition of dictionary is __________ in all major bookshops.
a) out of reach b) out of stock
c) out of business d) out of season
【解析】选b。很不幸运,这个新版的词典在各大书店都脱销了。本题考察介词短语的辨析,out of reach“够不着”,out of stock“脱销”,out of business“破产”,out of season“过时”。
46. the hands on my alarm clock are __________, so i can see what time it is in the dark.
a) exotic b) gorgeous
c) luminous d) spectacular
【解析】选c。我的闹钟的指针是带夜光的,所以在黑暗中我也能看到时间。本题考察的是形容词的词义辨析。exotic“外来的”,gorgeous“灿烂的”,luminous“夜光的,发光的”,spectacular“引人入胜的, 壮观的”。
47. psychologists have done extensive studies on how well patients __________ with doctors’ orders.
a) comply b) correspond
c) interfere d) interact
【解析】选a。心理学家们针对病人在多大程度上听从医嘱做了大量研究。本题考察的是动词与介词搭配的问题,comply with“遵守,照做”,correspond with“与……联系”,interfere with“干涉,阻碍”,interaction with “与...相合”。
48. in today’s class, the students were asked to __their mistakes on the exam paper and put in their possible corrections.
a) cancel b) omit
c) extinguish d) erase
【解析】选d。在今天的课上,学生们被要求擦去试卷上的错误答案并填上改正后的答案。 本题考察的动词词义的辨析,cancel“取消”,omit“省略”,extinguish“熄灭,灭绝”,erase“擦去”。
49. the government’s policies will come under close __ in the weeks before the election.
a) appreciation b) specification
c) scrutiny d) apprehension
【解析】选c。在选举之前的几个星期,政府的政策将受到仔细的检查监督。本题考察的是名词词义的辨析,appreciation“感激,欣赏”,specification“规格,说明书”, scrutiny“详细审查”,apprehension“理解,拘捕”。
50. police and villagers unanimously __the forest fire to thunder and lightning.
a) ascribed b) approached
c) confirmed d) confined
【解析】选a。警察和村民一致认为森林火灾是由闪电引起的。 本题考察的是动词搭配问题。ascribe to “把……归因于”。approach“接近”,confirm “确认,证实”,confine“限制”。