


59.if the value-added tax were done away with, it would act as a __ to consumption.
a) progression b) prime
c) stability d) stimulus
60. the bride and groom promised to __ each other through sickness and health.
a) nourish b) nominate
c) roster d) cherish
61. they’re going to build a big office block on that __ piece of land.
a) void b) vacant
c) blank d) shallow
62. without any hesitation, she took off her shoes, __up her skirt and splashed across the stream.
a) tucked b) revolved
c) twisted d) curled
【解析】选a。她没有任何犹豫,脱下鞋子,折起裙子,淌水穿过了小溪。本题考察的是动词词义的辨析,tuck “折短,卷起”,revolve“旋转”,twist“扭曲, 缠绕”,curl“使(头发等)卷曲”。
63.very few people could understand his lecture because the subject was very __.
a) faint b) obscure
c) gloomy d) indefinite
【解析】选b。几乎没有人能够理解这次讲座,因为他讲座的主题非常晦涩难懂。本题考察的是形容词词义的辨析,faint“衰弱的, 软弱的”,obscure“难懂的,模糊的,晦涩的”,gloomy“黑暗的,阴郁的”,indefinite“含糊的,不确定的”。
64. professor smith explained the movement of light__ that of water.
a) by analogy with b) by virtue of
c) in line with d) in terms of
【解析】选a。史密斯教授通过类比水的运动来解释光的运动。本题考察的是介词短语的辨析,by analogy with“通过和……类比”,by virtue of“依靠”,in line with“和……一致”,in terms of“根据”。