


51. in some remote places there are still very poor people who can’t afford to live in __conditions.
a) gracious b) decent
c) honorable d) positive
【解析】选b。在一些偏远的地方还有很多穷人过不上象样的日子。本题考察形容词的词义辨析,gracious“亲切的,和蔼的”,decent“象样的,得体的”,honorable“光荣的”,positive “肯定的,积极的”。
52. since our knowledge is __ none of us can exclude the possibility of being wrong.
a) controlled b) restrained
c) finite d) delicate
53. you shouldn’t __your father’s instructions. anyway he is an experienced teacher.
a) deduce b) deliberate
c) defy d) denounce
【解析】选c。你不应该公然反抗你父亲的指导,毕竟他是一个有经验的教师。deduce“推论,演绎”,deliberate“深思熟虑的, 故意的”,defy “公然反抗”,denounce“谴责”。
54. the company management attempted to __information that was not favorable to them, but it was all in vain.
a) suppress b) supplement
c) concentrate d) plug
55. it is my hope that everyone in this class should __ their errors before it is too late.
a) refute b) exclude
c) expel d) rectify
【解析】选d。我希望我们班里的每一个人都能够及时的改正自己的错误。本题考察的是动词词义的辨析,refute“反驳”,exclude“排除”,expel“驱逐, 开除”,rectify “纠正”。
56. the boy’s foolish question __his mother who was busy with housework and had no interest in talking.
      a) intrigued b) fascinated
c) irritated d) stimulated
57. millions of people around the world have some type of physical, mental, or emotional __ that severely limits their abilities to manage their daily activities.
a) scandal b) misfortune
c) deficit d) handicap
58. it is believed that the feeding patterns parents __ on their children can determine their adolescent and adult eating habits.
a) compel b) impose
c) evoke d) necessitate
【解析】选b。人们相信,孩子们小时父母强加给他们的喂食模式,能够决定他们青少年和成年时期的饮食习惯。本题考察的是动词词义的辨析,compel“强迫”,impose sth on sb“把…….强加于某人”,evoke“引起”,necessitate“成为必要”。