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Mickey Mouse has a new job in China: teaching kids how to speak English at new schools owned by Walt Disney Co. popping up in this bustling city.
米老鼠(Mickey Mouse)在中国有了项新工作,那就是:在华特-迪士尼公司(Walt Disney Co.)开办的新学校教孩子们说英语。如今,在上海这座熙熙攘攘的城市,这样的新学校正不断涌现。

The company says the initiative is primarily about teaching language skills to children, not extending its brand in the world's most populous nation. But from the oversize Mickey Mouse sculpture in the foyer to diction lessons starring Lilo & Stitch, the company's flagship school here is filled with Disney references.
该公司表示,这项计划主要着眼于向孩子们教授语言技巧,并非为在中国这个世界人口最多的国家进一步扩大其品牌。但从门廊里树立的超大个儿的米老鼠,到以星际宝贝(Lilo & Stitch)为主角的语音课,这家公司在上海的旗舰学校到处都能看到迪士尼的影子。

Classroom names recall Disney movies, such as 'Andy's Bedroom,' named for the setting of the 'Toy Story' films. To hold the attention of children as young as two years old, there is the Disney Magic Theater, which combines functions of a computer, television and chalkboard and is the main teaching tool.
教室名称也让人们想起迪士尼的影片,比如“安迪的卧室”是以《玩具总动员》(Toy Story)的场景起的。为吸引小孩子(最小的只有两岁)的注意力,学校还设立了集电脑、电视和黑板功能于一体的迪士尼魔幻剧场(Magic Theater),它还是主要的教学工具。

Disney's foray into English-language instruction in China comes as the niche industry is booming. McKinsey & Co. estimates that China's foreign-language business is worth $2.1 billion annually. More than 300 million Chinese are studying English, according to a speech delivered in January by Premier Wen Jiabao.
迪士尼涉足中国英语教学市场正赶上这一市场蓬勃兴旺之际。据麦肯锡(McKinsey & Co.)估计,中国外语教学市场每年的规模达到21亿美元。据中国总理温家宝在1月份的一次讲话中说,有超过3亿中国人在学习英语

Last week Pearson PLC announced it would buy the Wall Street Institute chain of 39 English schools in seven Chinese cities from Carlyle Group for $145 million. Pearson predicted the operation, which focuses on adult education, would generate about $70 million in revenue this year and said it 'expects English language teaching in China to remain a good growth market.'
上周,培生公司(Pearson PLC)宣布,它将从凯雷集团(Carlyle Group)手中以1.45亿美元收购华尔街英语(Wall Street Institute)在中国七个城市的39家英语培训学校。培生预计,这项侧重成人教育的业务今年将实现7,000万美元收入,并称,预计中国英语教学市场仍将保持不错的增长。

Disney, based in Burbank, Calif., already sells merchandise at shops nationwide and has produced two films in the country, including a live-action one due for release this year featuring China's beloved pandas. And in the boldest attempt to extend the brand, the company recently asked China's government for permission to build a $3.59 billion Shanghai Disneyland that could open in 2014.

Still, amid China's limits on foreign media, the company has been unable to start a television channel or distribute its full portfolio of movies in China, and teaching English is a way for Disney to expand its reach. The company plans to have four Shanghai centers by June, from the current two, and to launch in Beijing within a year. Disney declined to say how many students it has.