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Disney executives say that if their efforts in China are successful, they'll likely roll out English schools in other countries around the world. But they stress the goal is authentic English learning, not a marketing push.

'We never saw this as an effort to teach the Disney brand and Disney characters,' says Andy Mooney, chairman of Disney Consumer Products Worldwide. 'We set out to teach Chinese kids English.'
迪士尼旗下Consumer Products Worldwide董事长穆尼(Andy Mooney)说,我们决不认为此举是在教授迪士尼的品牌和迪士尼的角色。我们的出发点是教中国孩子学英语

Nonetheless, classroom and homework exercises introduce the kind of Disney books, TV shows and movies that China's government otherwise tightly restricts. Students are introduced to as few as four words a week.

In class, a strong singing voice earns students 'magic tokens' that are exchangeable into 'reward gifts' like Disney pens and hats on display in the lobby. Students can also get Mickey Mouse book bags as well as bilingual books, flashcards and CDs that feature Disney characters, much of them otherwise unavailable in China.

Considered as a school only, Disney English will likely take years to offer meaningful heft to the entertainment giant, which recorded $37.8 billion in revenue last year. Disney declined to reveal the school's revenue.

English First SV, a Sweden-based company with the most extensive network of children's schools in China, says it uses the program as a loss leader to feed its lucrative adult schools and overseas study programs. 'When we look at just the kids' business, it hasn't made a dime in 15 years,' says English First President Philip Hult.
总部位于瑞典的英孚教育(English First SV)在中国的儿童学校网络规模最大。该公司称,它的儿童英语项目是赔本赚吆喝,以此为盈利的成人学校和海外教育项目吸引人气。英孚总裁菲利普·霍特(Philip Hult)说,如果只看儿童业务,15年来没有赚过一分钱。

Regardless of its financial outlook, Disney English appears to be a hit with members of China's burgeoning middle class. After a recent Monday-evening class, five-year-old Zang Siqi rushes toward her mother, eager to show off a white rocket she has made out of paper, a Snow White sticker in its nose cone.

The girl's mother, Li Ruchen, says she enrolled her daughter in twice-a-week Disney English classes for roughly $1,000 a year because she wants the girl to be 'international' and Disney is a 'familiar and trustworthy brand.'

In the family's sport-utility vehicle on the way home, a Disney English CD plays over the sound system. Arriving at the family's 30th-floor apartment, young QiQi, as she is called by her parents, eagerly directs a visitor toward a notable decoration: a tiny Cinderella sticker on a glass cabinet in the dining room. Next to the girl's Disney English backpack, her mother sets down instruction books from the school featuring 'Toy Story's' Buzz Lightyear character on the cover, including one titled, 'Whose Toy Is This?'
琪琪家住在一幢公寓的30楼。在驾驶运动型多用途车(SUV)回家的路上,车上的音响系统播放着迪士尼的CD。到家后,琪琪急切地带着客人参观屋内一件惹眼的装饰:餐厅玻璃柜上的灰姑娘贴纸。在琪琪的迪士尼英语背包旁,她的母亲放下从学校带来的封面上有《玩具总动员》里Buzz Lightyear角色的指导书,其中一本的书名写着“这是谁的玩具?”

Soon, QiQi and her parents are gathered around a dining table -- her colorings of Ariel the Little Mermaid displayed underneath a plate of glass -- and gripping yellow Disney English playing cards.

Following the girl's daily diving lessons, her parents say they usually surf onto Disney's Internet 'parent portal' with their daughter, where Piglet and other Winnie the Pooh characters help her brush up on vocabulary words.

Later, after QiQi goes to bed, the parents stay online to see what the teacher says about the girl's progress in class, sometimes listening to recordings of her class sessions. 'We can't step into the class so it's a good way to understand what she learned,' Ms. Li says.