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A few days ago, Adam Brown, the head of digital communications at Coca-Cola, got his car washed and the sun shone down on him in Atlanta. Meanwhile, Bart Cas, his opposite number at Pepsi, went for a run on the Brooklyn Bridge.
几天前,可口可乐(Coca-Cola)数字沟通主管亚当·布朗(Adam Brown)在亚特兰大把车洗了,浑身沐浴着阳光。与此同时,百事可乐(Pepsi)的数字沟通主管巴特·卡斯(Bart Cas)在布鲁克林大桥上跑步。

I happen to know these details because last week I stumbled upon Exec Tweets, a collection of about 100 executives who like to express themselves in chunks of up to 140 characters on Twitter.
我碰巧知道这些细节,是因为上周我偶然发现了Exec Tweets,上面收集了大约100名高管的tweet信息,他们喜欢在Twitter上用不超过140个字符来展示自己。

Thus I have come to be a disciple of Bart and Adam, but I like Bart best. His latest tweet goes like this: “Worked late, woke up feeling tired but driven forward by the many exciting possibilities a new day brings – seize the day!” An earlier one says: “Or Got home – my son told me he loved me – my daughter was as precious as ever ... suddenly the wind was at my back again ... ”

In The New York Times last week Maureen Dowd made fans of Twitter very cross by suggesting that this craze, which has now afflicted 10m people, is a waste of time.
莫琳·多德(Maureen Dowd)两周前在《纽约时报》(New York Times)上激怒了Twitter爱好者。她说这种目前影响了上千万人的时尚纯属浪费时间。

She may be right for most of us, but for business people, I don't agree. I think it is potentially the best communication tool there is; the trouble is that most executives are making a complete hash of using it. Either they fill it with mundane personal detail, or they fill it with mundane professional detail – which is possibly worse. The first scores higher on embarrassment; the second on tedium.

Jeffrey Hayzlett, chief marketing officer of Kodak, is a tireless twitterer who reports hour by hour on just how he is spending his day at work. Here is a typical tweet: “Now meeting with the Kodak marketing team for lunch to talk about general items and get to meet the team.” To meet the team in order to meet the team doesn't seem like something that the 3,453 people who follow him will really need to know.
柯达(Kodak)首席营销官杰弗里·海兹勒特(Jeffrey Hayzlett)是一个不知疲倦的Twitter用户。他每过一小时就报告一下自己的工作。以下是一个典型的tweet:“现在与柯达营销团队会面并共进午餐,讨论日常项目和与团队见面。”为了与团队见面而与团队见面似乎不是3453名追随者真正需要知道的事情。