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Mr. Welch's comments drew mixed reactions from conference attendees.

Sandra Brangan, vice president of administration at Accountants International, a unit of staffing firm Randstad Holding NV, says Mr. Welch's comments are realistic. 'When people are not visible, it does hurt,' she says, praising his bluntness. 'That's not the popular thing to say.'
Accountants International行政副总裁布兰根(Sandra Brangan)说,韦尔奇的话是现实的;当你不在的时候,确实会伤害(到事业)。她称赞了韦尔奇的直率。她说,这不是大家喜欢听的话。该公司是人力资源公司Randstad Holding NV的一个子公司。

Kim Ruyle, vice president of leadership and talent consulting at executive recruiters Korn/Ferry International, agrees. 'I think it's absolutely true,' he says. 'You can bet that people don't get to the corner office unless they make some tough choices.'
高管猎头公司光辉国际有限公司(Korn/Ferry International)负责领导力和人才咨询的副总裁Kim Ruyle同意这种看法。他说,我认为这绝对真实,你可以肯定,除非作出一些艰难的选择,否则不会升到高管层。

But others consider Mr. Welch out of touch. 'That's an outdated way of thinking,' says Travis Bradberry, president of TalentSmart, a San Diego consultancy. He says women now tend to have children after they've climbed several rungs on the management ladder, allowing them to return to well-established careers when they reenter the workforce.
不过,其他人认为韦尔奇说的不靠谱。圣地亚哥咨询公司TalentSmart总裁布莱德贝利(Travis Bradberry)说,这是一种过时的观点。他说,女性现在往往先在管理上达到一定的地位,然后再生孩子,当她们重回职场时,可以回到一个早已确立的职业。