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For Western celebrities, being secretive about a relationship is a short-lived affair. Paparazzi pictures of the "couple" soon lead to confirmation. Besides, celebrities can profit. In Hollywood there isn't a more money-making deal than hooking up with a fellow celeb. Think of the earning machine that Brad and Angelina are.

Celebs soon learn they can cash in on their wedding by signing contracts with magazines worth millions of dollars. David and Victoria Beckham set the standard in 1999, when they sold their pictures to OK! for a record 2 million. Britney Spears and Kevin Federline followed suit, selling their pictures to OK! 名人们很快就知道如何利用婚礼来赚钱了——他们会和杂志社签署价值数百万美元的合同。1999年,贝克汉姆夫妇为此树立了一个标杆——他们以200万美元的价格将照片卖给了《OK》杂志。之后,布兰妮和和凯文·费德林照猫画虎,也将照片卖给了该杂志。

While being open about the fact that they are engaged, most celebrities will attempt to keep the ceremony a secret. Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony told friends to gather at Lopez's home for a simple "afternoon party". The news that it was their wedding got out and paparazzi helicopters circled the house. Nicole Kidman went to extreme lengths to keep her wedding to Keith Urban private. She set the time at 6.30 pm so that the dark would keep out snooping eyes, and reportedly hired false brides to look like her.

For Hollywood celebrities, secrecy isn't of the "are they/aren't they?" type. Secrecy is about details of the wedding--the date, the dress, the number of dancing monkeys. These are kept under wraps to ensure exclusivity--often meaning exclusivity to one magazine.

It's also a handy way to get a bit of self-promotion. "In a way, when these couples act very shy to the press and the public, it keeps the fires of interest burning even brighter," explained ex-OK! editor Sarah Ivens to USA Today. " If I was a smart person with an album to promote, I'd do it as well."

Lau came into the public eye in the 80s, when being a celebrity was more about talent. Now it's about presence. There's dignity in Lau's attempt to save a private life, but he ends up looking out-of-date. It would be a shame if the rumors about their marriage were true since they've wasted that photo opportunity. Still, they can always do it again.