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A highlight of the traditional wedding pageantry is the groom's entrance on a white horse or on an elephant. Gurleen Puri, a Mumbai wedding planner who assisted with the Macau nuptials, says that because there was no elephant in Macau, the wedding party wanted to bring one in. But Macau authorities turned down the request for an import permit.
印度传统婚礼的高潮是新郎骑着一匹白马或一头大象入场。参与安排了穆萨家族澳门婚礼的孟买婚礼策划人古尔力恩.普里(Gurleen Puri)说,因为在澳门没有大象,筹备组决定运头大象进澳门。不过澳门当局驳回了他们的进口许可证申请。

Ultimately, the Muthas settled for a local horse -- and a brown one at that. The cost was more than $5,000 for the groom to make his 20-minute debut in the saddle. Other transportation included a white 1950s MG that was leased in Hong Kong and brought to Macau by ferry to be used in the wedding procession for about 25 minutes. The tab? Nearly $10,000.
An essential ritual for Hindus and Jains is called the pheras, where the bride and groom circle an open fire seven times, symbolizing the vows a couple makes. The parents had to sign contracts indemnifying the hotel against fire damage.

Following the Macau wedding, Mr. Mutha flew to several destinations to check out possible venues for his daughter's wedding. Besides the Thai resorts of Koh Samui and Hua Hin, he visited Istanbul, Bali, Kuala Lumpur and Langkawi. Mr. Mutha and his wife settled on Bangkok for its museums and temples and good shopping close to the InterContinental.

Planning the event took less time -- four months -- than for the one in Macau because Mr. Mutha knew the ropes. He won't say how much he spent on his daughter's wedding,but he says it cost more than the Macau wedding, mostly because of the celebrity entertainers flown from India, including the famed team Vishal Dadlani and Shekhar Ravjiani, who sing and direct music for Bollywood films. Mr. Mutha paid for the hotel rooms in Bangkok for 550 guests and 290 support staff.
办过澳门的婚礼之后,穆萨对于海外婚礼已经是驾轻就熟,所以这次的筹备时间比上次要短──只用了4个月。他没有透露女儿婚礼的具体开销,不过他说比澳门那次要贵,主要是因为他们从国内请来了很多的明星艺人,包括为宝莱坞影片制作音乐的著名的维沙尔.达德拉尼(Vishal Dadlani)和谢克哈.拉夫贾尼(Shekhar Ravjiani)组合。穆萨支付了550位来宾和290名工作人员在曼谷住酒店的开销。

The families transported all sorts of paraphernalia needed for the ceremonies, including four long swords that are used in a ritual by male relatives who swear to protect the bride, and kumkum, powder for marking foreheads.

A traditional white horse was found in Bangkok to perform the groom's entrance, and the open-fire ritual was observed.

Wowed by the horses, marching bands and Bollywood entertainers on display at the Macau and Bangkok weddings, Mr. Karia's 23-year-old son, Mit, who recently got engaged, says: 'I want something like that.'

'When you get married in your own city, the wedding becomes a fish market,' he says, pointing to the weddings in Mumbai and New Delhi that bulge with 1,000 or more guests because of social obligations. And with weddings sometimes back-to-back, one celebrations can blend into another.

Young Mr. Karia is considering getting married in Singapore next year. His father knows it will be time to up the ante, given a guest list with many of the same faces. And the Karias are determined to outdo themselves. 'Obviously,' says the senior Mr. Karia, the invitees will 'expect more than the last one. That's basic human nature.'