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All calories aren't created equal. And breakfast matters.

Those are some of the lessons from today's Health Journal column, in which Melinda Beck writes that what you eat─and when you eat it─can make a big difference in controlling appetite and satiety.
这些是从今天的健康专栏所能得到的一些知识。贝克(Melinda Beck)在其中写道,我们的饮食内容和时间对控制食欲和吃饱的感觉会有很大影响。

Ms. Beck reports on the 'The Skinny,' a new book by Louis J. Aronne, longtime director of the Comprehensive Weight Loss Program at NewYork Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center. 'It's true that a calorie is a calorie,' Dr. Aronne told Ms. Beck. 'But what that doesn't take into account is how some calories affect what people eat later on.'
贝克谈到了长期担任纽约长老会医院/威尔.康奈尔医疗中心综合减肥项目主任的亚隆(Louis J. Aronne)出版的新书《瘦身》(The Skinny)。亚隆告诉贝克说,的确,热量就是热量。但是,这当中并没有考虑一些热量是如何对人们之后的饮食产生影响的。

One of Dr. Aronne's key messages is a tough one for many jugglers and their kids to follow: Eat breakfast. But don't just grab a muffin or a pastry on-the-go, for you and the kids.

Instead, have the family load up on lean protein─ideally from egg whites or a protein shake. Eating protein-rich foods in the morning reduces hunger all day long, Dr. Aronne says, which lessens the chances of bingeing later on. Eating muffins, bread, sugar cereal or juice does the opposite.

Dr. Aronne suggests trying his plan yourself: 'Have 200 calories of egg white omelette or protein shake for breakfast, and then another day have 200 calories of juice and look at your hunger, hour after hour.'