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DATING in New York, as countless films, TV shows, magazines, and blog articles have shown, is no picnic. Traditionally, the date night dinner must meet certain standards: a good restaurant (not necessarily fancy, but a refined one, at least), with a white tablecloth, candles, and gracious, discreet service.

然而,这个传统似乎正在改变:《纽约时报》文化类记者Melena Ryzik发现,如今,纽约人关于浪漫大餐的定义更加平易近人了。“时下正流行一种新群体,他们的就餐完全受心情引导,”Ryzik在一篇文章中写道。
Things might be changing though: Melena Ryzik, a culture reporter for The New York Times, has discovered that the new New Yorker's idea of a romantic meal is more approachable. "There's a whole new class of mood-inducing dining," Ryzik says in an article.

That can mean a burger, or Korean fried chicken, or an underground bar. All these are desirable, even romantic, date spots, since there's a sense of adventure or discovery.

没有桌布 No tablecloth

“如今,我们看到的是很多场所都被人们纳入约会场所的范畴,” Adam Rich在接受《纽约时报》采访时说。Rich是Thrillist.com网站的创始人。该网站专门提供针对新餐馆和酒吧的建议。“人们比以往更迷恋食物。因此,压力并不在于去寻找那些铺着白桌布,服务生也戴着白手套的餐馆。”
"One of the things that we're seeing happen is that a broader range of places are considered date places," Adam Rich told The New York Times. Rich is the founder of Thrillist.com, a website that offers advice on new restaurants and bars. "People fetishize food more than they did before. So the pressure isn't to find the whitest tablecloth and white gloves kind of place anymore."

On Thrillist.com's list of "Ten Most Popular Restaurants", seven are casual places such as a Japanese ramen restaurant with an open kitchen, or a to-go style sandwich shop with communal tables-obviously no white tablecloth or candle holders.

It seems that casual is the new sophisticated and paper napkins and communal tables are the new standard.

Places like a cocktail bar, wine bar, or small plate restaurant are popular for one reason: they're a safe choice, especially for those who just start dating. After all, there are times when you go out with someone, then decide not to go on: either that person is boring or you two just don't fit.
In such cases, the communal tables and the open kitchen can smooth over awkward silences. Also, communal tables have a bonus: if your date's boring, just turn and talk to the person at the table next to you.