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此外,金钱因素也是原因之一。Whitney Hurst,25岁,是居住在纽约布鲁克林的新闻制片人。在接受《纽约客》杂志采访时,她表示,“在确定你喜欢他之前让对方花几百甚至上千美元请吃饭很令人尴尬。” Hurst更喜欢韩国城二楼的izakayas,因为那里比较便宜,也很随意有趣。更重要的是,这类场所能让人有讨论的话题。
Money is also a consideration. Whitney Hurst, 25, is a news producer who lives in Brooklyn, New York. She told The New Yorker that, "It's awkward to have somebody spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars on dinner before you really know that you like him." Hurst prefers "izakayas" on the second floors in Koreatown, because they're cheap, casual and fun. And, more importantly, places like that can give you something to talk about.

这难道不浪漫么? Isn't it romantic?

FOR young Chinese couples, especially students who have no income, the answer to the question about where to go for a romantic dinner might be practical, but that doesn't stop them from trying to be romantic. Just ask these folks:

朱文斌,21岁,北京大学生 Zhu Wenbin, 21, college student, Beijing

My girlfriend and I don't really spend much money on food at all.

First, we only have a limited monthly budget from our parents. Even though we go to better places like Pizza Hut on weekends-it's only once in blue moon, like when we have something to celebrate. It's still a bit expensive for us.

Besides, when we go out, food isn't that important to us. Sometimes, we may buy some snacks from a convenience store and walk to a park, or sit in a book store the whole day. Or, we could go to a roadside stand anywhere and have a bite to eat. For us, being together and having fun is the most important thing.

Regular date spots: KFC, McDonald's, Ajisen Ramen, Dairy Queen, no-name restaurants off campus.

Average cost per meal (for two): 70-100 yuan

Jin Didi, 24, bank clerk, Shanghai

Several times, my boyfriend took me to fancy restaurants-on special occasions, such as my birthday, or our anniversary. The food quality was certainly high, but so was the price-a simple meal for two would cost nearly 1,000 yuan.

The whole atmosphere there was killing me: It was inappropriate to take a picture of the dishes, which I like to do. And most of the time, I had to "behave".

So, now, when it comes to special occasions, I'd tell him beforehand: "You know what? A cupcake with a candle on it is romantic. A fish burger at McDonald's, with a strawberry sundae afterward, would also be great!"

约会常去场所:星期五餐厅、海底捞火锅、鹿港小镇、Awfully Chocolate。
Regular date spots: TGI Friday's, Haidilao Hotpot, Bellagio Cafe, Awfully Chocolate.

Average cost per meal (for two): 150-200 yuan