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Santas aren't precise economic indicators, of course. Government data out Friday showed that retail sales inched up in November from October. And not every Kringle is reporting a difference in what children are requesting this year. Many of the 40-some Santas interviewed for this article say they work with affluent children whose requests are as bold as ever.
凯利.克赖斯在新奥尔良地区当圣诞老人,他说,他在一些派对上见到的孩子仍然索要起价299美元的PlayStation 3,而其他孩子要的也是让荷包大出血的高价礼物。但是,他在当地的哈拉斯赌场酒店遇见的孩子的礼物要求却比往年降低了。最近,一个7岁大的男孩向他要鞋子。克赖斯问,你是想要飞人乔丹(耐克公司出品的一款运动鞋)吗?。
Kelly Crais, who plays Santa in the New Orleans area, says the children he sees at some parties still ask for a PlayStation 3, which starts at $299, and other wallet-busting gifts. But the children he sees for free at his local Harrah's Hotel & Casino have downgraded their lists from previous years. One 7-year-old boy recently asked for shoes. 'Do you want Air Jordans?' Mr. Crais asked.
The boy responded, 'No, school shoes. My shoes have holes in them.'
Mr. Crais, a 67-year-old retired commercial artist, called over his photographer, who told the boy's mother about local charities.
一些大点的孩子说,他们已经降低了对礼物的要求。克里斯蒂安.波蒂略是旧金山一所社区学院的学生,今年17岁,他最近到一家购物商城去找圣诞老人,想照一些家庭照。他说,他通常会要Xbox 360的电子游戏作为圣诞礼物。但是他的父亲西泽是遭遇资金短缺的加州大学伯克利分校的信息技术人员,今年的薪水锐减了约10%。
Some older children say they have scaled back their gift requests. Christian Portillo, a 17-year-old community-college student in San Francisco, recently went to a mall to visit Santa for some family photos. He says he typically would have asked for Xbox 360 videogames for Christmas. But his father, Cesar, an information-technology staff member at the cash-strapped University of California at Berkeley, had his salary slashed about 10% this year.
So, the younger Mr. Portillo says, 'Now all I want is a bike rack.' His parents got one for him on Craigslist, where they say they are scrounging for secondhand gifts this year.
Even some parents are sharing their worries with Santa. Loren Smith, a 56-year-old talent agent who works as Santa at Sea World in San Diego, says he often leans over to mothers and says, 'You haven't talked to Santa for a good long time. What do you want for Christmas?'
'I'd just like to get my job back,' responded one woman last week. The woman said she lost her airline management job, and the two talked about the economy for a few minutes. 'I stepped out of character,' Mr. Smith says. 'I don't do that very often.'
Yet even this year, there are still jolly moments. One occurred for Mr. Riemersma in suburban Chicago recently, when some children brought their 88-year-old grandmother to see him.
'Oh, no, I haven't sat on a man's lap in years,' the woman said, before she reluctantly climbed on. But after a moment, she grinned at him and said, 'But guess what, Santa? I still like it.'