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IE惊爆0day漏洞 是去还是留?


French and German government agencies have told people they should ditch Microsoft’s Internet Explorer browser, at least temporarily, because of a security hole that hackers are thought to have exploited on recent cyberattacks against Google and other companies. What should you do?


Switching to an alternative Web browser like Firefox or Google Chrome is one possibility. For now, security companies like McAfee have only identified the latest security exploit as an Internet Explorer issue, but there’s no guarantee that they won’t find vulnerabilities in other browsers that were involved in the broad attack on Google and others.

一种可能是换用其他可选的浏览器,比如火狐(Firefox)或者Google Chrome浏览器。到目前为止,像McAfee这样的安全公司只确认了最近的安全问题存在于IE浏览器,不过不保证黑客们找不到其他浏览器的弱点来进行类似对Google和其他公司的攻击。

Generally speaking, a browser switch is going to be a lot easier for an individual than it will be for corporate users, where IT policies often dictate which browser people use on their computers. Graham Cluley, a senior technology consultant and security firm Sophos, said in a blog post Monday that companies may cause “more problems than it’s worth by summarily switching browsers” because of the potential for employee confusion and Web site compatibility problems caused by the new software.

一般来说,普通人换个浏览器比公司职员要容易很多,公司里一般会有IT政策规定人们电脑里用什么浏览器。Graham Cluley 是一家网络安全公司的资深技术顾问,他周一发表一篇博客说,公司如果立刻换浏览器的话有可能会造成“更大的问题”,因为新的软件可能会导致员工使用上以及网站在兼容性方面出现问题。

“My advice is to only switch from Internet Explorer if you really know what you are doing with the browser you’re swapping to,” Mr. Cluley said. “Otherwise it might be a case of ‘better the devil you know.’”


For people who don’t want to or can’t move to another browser from Internet Explorer, they should upgrade to the latest version of the software, Internet Explorer 8. While that version of the browser is also technically vulnerable to the security flaw it contains features that minimize the threat, Microsoft says.


And if switching to IE 8 isn’t an option, users with earlier versions of the browser, like IE 6, should adjust their security settings to “high,” which also reduces the risk of running malicious code, Microsoft says. There’s more in blog posts from Microsoft and McAfee describing the hack and precautions for users.
