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世界各地伸援手 帮海地度难关


The international community on Sunday pledged to help Haiti get back on its feet following last week's killer earthquake, but a slow and chaotic relief effort meant that growing numbers of Haitians who had survived the disaster were joining the long list of the dead.
The Obama administration will commit significantly more to Haiti than the $100 million already designated for earthquake-relief, said the White House's point man on the crisis, Rajiv Shah, head of the U.S. Agency for International Development.
The European Union, meanwhile, was expected to announce its own contributions on Monday to help rebuild Haiti, which was already the poorest nation in the hemisphere before Tuesday's devastating 7.0 temblor.
That help couldn't come fast enough for tens of thousands of Haitians. Hospitals were overwhelmed with the sick and injured and some had run out of basic medicines like antibiotics. Some patients with infections were dying due to a lack of medicines and other supplies. Doctors were carrying out mass amputations in an effort to save lives.
At the Adventist Hospital in Carrefour, one of the hardest-hit suburbs of the capital, many wounded survivors set up dozens of makeshift tents from plastic sheets and waited to get treated. Next to the crowded entrance, an elderly woman repeatedly screamed 'Water! Water!' as she lay in the back of a pick-up truck with a bloated arm and festering gash several inches wide.
In other parts of the capital, crowds jostled for access to food and water when aid workers showed up.
While Port-au-Prince has been remarkably calm despite the growing need for food and water, the first major episodes of looting flared across the capital over the weekend. In one instance, hundreds of residents appeared to be fighting over shampoo. Police arrived and shot one of the looters, eyewitnesses said.
Rescue teams were still finding people alive under the rubble, providing the only moments of relief and happiness. As some of the country's cellphone networks flickered back to life, radio stations and others began receiving calls and text messages from trapped survivors.
The U.N. said it is feeding 40,000 people, and expects that figure to rise to two million within a month, according to the Associated Press. U.N. President Ban Ki-Moon described the tragedy as one of the 'most serious humanitarian crises in decades.' He also said this was the gravest and greatest single loss of life for the U.N. in its history.