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世界各地伸援手 帮海地度难关

U.N. officials on Saturday confirmed that the international body lost its top three officials in Haiti during the quake: mission chief Hedi Annabi, his top deputy Luiz Carlos da Costa, and the acting police commissioner, Doug Coates.
The U.S. was planning to ramp up its troop presence in the Caribbean country as concerns mount about looting and a broader breakdown in law and order.
美国目前有1,000名军人驻扎在海地,另有3,600人部署在位于海地附近海面的卡尔文森号(USS Carl Vinson)航空母舰上。美国国防部的官员周日说,第82空降师很快将再有两个连抵达海地,并带来大量海、陆、空设备及人员。
The U.S. currently has 1,000 troops deployed in Haiti with another 3,600 stationed offshore on the aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson. Pentagon officials said Sunday that two more companies from the 82nd Airborne are scheduled to land soon in Haiti along with significantly more air, sea and land equipment and personnel.
Military planners indicated the U.S. could end up deploying more troops to address the security situation.
Estimates of the death toll vary widely. The Red Cross has estimated at least 45,000 died, while Haitian government officials have said the final tally could easily top 100,000.
Among the many victims of Haiti's earthquake was the country's own government, with its Belle Epoque downtown palaces reduced to rubble and many of its officials either dead or homeless.
What is left of the government is now trying to coordinate a chaotic relief effort from the mango-tree shaded courtyard of a police station.
Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive, in an interview Saturday, said his government had picked up 20,000 bodies from the city's streets. All were destined for mass graves. He expected many more.
'I can't tell you how many dead there are. I can only tell you what we have collected,' said Mr. Bellerive, a husky man wearing a baseball cap. 'The Haitian government has picked up 20,000 people. That doesn't count people picked up by international organizations. That doesn't count people buried by their families, or taken somewhere else. And that certainly doesn't count people still entombed under buildings.'
Haiti's government has never worked that well at the best of times. But it faces a daunting operating environment now that would test even the best of governments. The capital city lies almost in ruins, there is little electricity, and hundreds of thousands of people need urgent help.

There is also the heavy emotional toll. Among the dead were at least two Haitian senators and close family members of cabinet ministers. Haitian officials said the finance minister lost a son, and the tourism minister lost both parents.