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A recent survey shows that Americans are getting more pessimistic about their chances of getting rich.
这项研究是Bankrate.com委托普林斯顿国际调查研究机构(Princeton Survey Research Associates International)进行的。研究发现,70%的受访者表示当前要在美国致富变得更加困难。只有9%的人持相反观点。  
The survey, conducted for Bankrate.com by Princeton Survey Research Associates International, found that 70% of respondents say it is harder to get rich in America today than it used to be. Only 9% said it has gotten easier.
In a similar poll taken in 1999, 38% said getting rich had gotten harder. More than a quarter said it had gotten easier.
The global financial crisis and recession are most likely to blame for the change, since Americans have had their wealth decimated by the real-estate and stock-market crashes, along with high unemployment.
But what is most interesting is the manner by which most Americans think they will get wealthy. (About a third of Americans defined 'wealthy' as 'having just enough money not to worry,' while another 26% defined it as 'having enough money that you don't need to work.')
The largest number, 20%, said 'starting your own business' is the most likely way to get rich today. Choosing a high-paying job or career comes in second (19%). Coming a close third (15%) was 'getting lucky through an inheritance or winning the lottery.' That tied with 'live frugally and save money.'
In other words, Americans think you are just as likely to get rich by winning the lottery as you are by saving.
考虑到当前的收入和通货膨胀状况,或许美国人只是变得现实了。可能他们正在变得愚蠢,因为美国人本质上是不喜欢省钱的。不管怎样,这项调查显示出,美国人不再指望通过《隔壁的百万富翁》(Millionaire Next Door)书中的方式致富了。
Perhaps they are just being realistic, given today's income and inflation landscape. Perhaps they are being foolish, since Americans by nature don't like to save. Either way, the survey suggests that Americans no longer expect to get rich the 'Millionaire Next Door' way.
What do you think is the most likely way for someone to get rich in America today?