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Divisions are emerging among large investment banks over the Obama administration's banking levy, with one industry lobby exploring legal action even as some individual companies urge caution in face of the growing political backlash.

美国证券业与金融市场协会(Sifma)证实,它已聘用Sidley Austin律师事务所管理合伙人卡特.菲利普斯(Carter Phillips),研究如何来应对这个它称之为“极有针对性与惩罚性的税种”。
The Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association confirmed that it has hired Carter Phillips, a managing partner at the law firm Sidley Austin, to study how to respond to what it called a “very targeted and punitive tax”.

But in a sign that all its member banks may not support the kind of constitutional challenge that an attorney such as Mr Phillips could mount, Sifma yesterday said that it was “premature” to discuss what action it might take.

巴拉克.奥巴马(Barack Obama)总统上周警告银行不要用“游说者方阵……或律师军团”来挑战新税种。“我建议你们考虑一种做法,那就是尽到你们的责任。”
President Barack Obama last week warned banks not to challenge the new tax with a “phalanx of lobbyists . . . or an army of lawyers”. “I suggest you might want to consider simply meeting your responsibilities.”

Some bankers might be taking the president at his word. “I think the industry is in some disarray and I suspect Sifma got out ahead of its key members,” said one attorney familiar with the matter. Chief executives are asking whether a legal victory that found the tax to be unconstitutional would be worth the backlash, the attorney said.

“Some people are being very thoughtful about this. I know JPMorgan is urging caution before running into this,” the attorney said.