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Nearly everything in fashion is cyclical: the clothing, the hair, the accessories, and yes, even the people come in and out of style with impeccable regularity.

It's no wonder, then, that plus-size models and their agents are accepting the latest clamor to place larger models in high-fashion editorial spreads. They're hopeful, but if you've been in the business long enough, you've seen it all before.

"They show that we can do the exact same poses, wear the exact same clothes and look just as good," a plus-size model said. But will it lead to more jobs in the runway shows, beauty campaigns and high-end editorials where slender still rules? She isn't so sure.

"There are more girls out there than there is work. For the straight-size girls (models who vary between size 0 and size 6), there's a ton of work," an agent, Aida Brigman, said. "But for plus-size, it's not a huge market; it's not as big as people would like it to be."
“模特人数比工作机会要多。骨感模特(身材在0码和6码之间)的工作机会非常多,”Aida Brigman,一个模特经纪人如此说,“肉感模特的市场就比较小,人们也不是很想看到她们有很大的市场。”

V magazine's issue proclaims that big is in, but Brigman said it is doubtful that these splashes of acceptance in the fashion world will translate into having more than one major runway show for plus-size models. Remember, she cautioned, this has all happened before.

"In the late '90s and early '00s, plus-size was supposed to hit big and it didn't," she said.

Even beauty campaigns, which are devoted to faces, would rather book a straight-size model.

However, more editorials prove that there are amazing plus size girls who aren't what people typically think a plus size model is. Just because they are curvier, they can be just as beautiful and they can sell mascara and lipstick just as well.