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运动起来 拒绝老年痴呆症


New studies show that moderate exercise in midlife and later can arrest and even reverse the memory loss and fuzzy thinking that comes with age.

Two new studies provide more evidence that regular aerobic exercise not only staves off problems with thinking and memory that often come with age, but can actually help turn back the clock on brain aging.

In one study, researchers found evidence that engaging in moderate physical activity such as brisk walking, swimming, or yoga in midlife, or later, may cut the risk of developing mild thinking problems.

In the other study, a group of elderly individuals who already had mild problems saw improvements in their mental agility after six months of high-intensity aerobic activity. People with mild mental impairments of the kind studied - known as mild cognitive impairment - typically have some memory difficulties, such as forgetting people's names or misplacing items.

Each year, 10 to 15 percent of individuals with mild cognitive impairment will develop dementia, as compared with 1 to 2 percent of the general population. Previous studies in animals and humans have suggested that exercise may improve thinking and memory. To investigate further, Seattle-based researchers studied 33 adults with mild cognitive impairment. Twenty-three spent 45 to 60 minutes on a treadmill or stationary bicycle four days a week for six months, while the other 10 "control" subjects did stretching exercises but kept their heart rate low.

Six months of intense aerobic exercise "improved cognitive abilities of attention and concentration, organization, planning, and multi-tasking", study chief Dr Laura Baker notes. In contrast, cognitive function test scores continued to decline in the group that didn't have vigorous exercise.
调研小组组长劳拉 贝克说,6个月的高强度有氧运动改善了(他们的)认知能力,提高了(他们的)注意力,组织能力,计划能力及同时做多件事的能力。相比之下,那些没有进行高强度锻炼的人,在做认知能力测验的时候,得分还在降低。

Might it be possible to get the same brain benefit from lower intensity aerobic exercise? "In theory, yes," Baker says, "but we are just now starting the studies that will help us know how little is enough. In the next five years, we'll have a much better idea about the minimum 'dose' of exercise needed (how often, duration of exercise sessions, how much exertion is needed) without compromising the cognitive benefits."