So says Peter Lehner, executive director of the Natural Resources Defense Council. This is welcome news. Like the other big environmental NGOs, NRDC has shied away from telling people what to eat (less red meat and dairy), what kinds of cars to drive (smaller ones), whether to fly (not too much) or how many homes to own (one).
That may be about to change.
I spoke to Lehner (right) last week after a three-day Climate, Mind and Behavior symposium sponsored by NRDC and the Garrison Institute, a noNPRofit whose program on "transformational ecology" is led by Jonathan F.P. Rose, a New York real estate developer who also sits on NRDC's board. The event was designed to explore ways to change behavior on a scale big enough to have a major impact on global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
上周,NRDC 和驻军研究所(这是由房地产开发商、NRDC董事成员乔纳森·FP·罗斯主导的非营利组织,它们的宗旨是"生态转型")共同发起了一个《气候、心理和行为》的讨论会。会后,我和雷纳进行了交谈。这次的讨论会旨在探索各种方法,以便彻底地改变人们的行为,力求减少温室气体的排放。
The stellar group of participants included environmentalists, investors and business people and academics.
The headline out of the event: Simple and inexpensive changes could reduce global warming emissions by one billion tons.
Put another way, the NRDC says changes in behavior could generate as many reductions as one of the "climate stabilization wedges" made famous (at least among climate geeks) by Princeton professors Stephen Pacala and Robert Socolow in this 2004 article in Science.
NRDC还表示,换一种说法,行为的改变能产生很多的减少,而这些减少就是"气候稳定楔子"(史提芬·珀卡勒和罗伯特·索科洛于 2004年在《科学》中发表了关于"气候稳定楔子"的文章,并因此在气象爱好者中成名)。
As Lehner puts it: "If all Americans acted together, by taking fairly modest steps, many of which are cost-saving or cost-neutral and will give them better lives, we could eliminate emissions equivalent to those of the entire nation of Germany."
"People often ask, if I change my behavior, what difference will it make?" Lehner goes on. "This analysis showed that it makes a lot of difference. That's exciting."
He hastens to add that individual actions cannot be a substitute for the policy changes needed to curb emissions and promote clean energy. Instead, he hopes, personal and individual actions will lead to activism.
"If you start biking to work, you may become more active in your community, to make sure there are bike lanes," he says. "Policy is no longer abstract. It's very real."
Here are some of the recommendations from NRDC and the Garrison Institute. They may sound familiar, but bear with me - there's a potential for new thinking here:
. Fly once less per year: The average one-way commercial flight from London to Los Angeles produces more GHG emissions per passenger than the average British commuter produces yearly by car, train, and subway combined. While it would be unreasonable to expect those who fly only one or two times per year to give up their flight (that flight could well be their vacation), frequent flyers, and especially business travelers, could take advantage of alternative options like telecommuting to cut down on air travel.
. Consume less red meat and dairy: All meats are not created equal. While the average pound of beef consumed in the United States is responsible for 20 pounds of emissions, a pound of chicken is responsible for less than two. Today's average American consumes a prodigious quantity of red meat, the equivalent of one McDonald's Angus Bacon and Cheese Burger per day. Replacing two days' servings of red meat with poultry will reduce emissions by more than 70 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MMtCO2e) in 2020. Dairy cattle similarly produce vast quantities of GHG emissions. Dropping dairy two days per week in favor of plant-based foods is not only healthy-animal fats are closely correlated to obesity, diabetes and many forms of cancer-but will save more than 35 MMtCO2e in 2020.
. Consume paper and plastics more responsibly: Buying recycled paper, stemming the flow of unwanted catalogs by two-thirds, and reducing printer paper consumption by one-third (easily achieved by printing doublesided) will save more than 50 MMtCO2e in 2020. Dropping bottled water consumption by 50 percent in that same timeframe will save another 8 MMtCO2e.
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