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I've deliberately selected the recommendations that affect consumption. Others are less controversial and more familiar: Replace incandescent bulbs with CFLs, reduce motor vehicle idling, fix leaks and heat loss in your house, unplug appliances and turn the thermostat down a bit in winter and up a bit in summer (cardigan not required).

So what's new here? Two things, I think.

The first is that the science of behavioral economics, along with new work being done around happiness studies and climate change communications, offer fresh insights into how to get people to change. I've written about these developments before (see What's for lunch? Behavioral economics meets climate change and How to talk about climate change) and they are exciting.

One of the fundamental insights of behavioral economics is that people are not merely the rational, self-interested beings of Economics 101, but also emotional creatures, capable of altruism and influenced by the behavior of others. Much of our political discourse, including the debate about climate-change policies, focuses around the question of "what's in it for me?" (This is why we hear so much about "green jobs.") Some behavioral economists argue that environmentalists would do well to appeal to our better natures.

Here are a couple of brief excerpts from a draft paper by RPI's John Gowdy, who spoke at the event:

In contrast to the policy recommendations of most economists, relying on monetary incentives to tackle collective choice problems like global warming can actually have perverse effects. As many environmental philosophers have argued (Norton 2005; O'Neal 1993) giving people a shared responsibility and appealing directly to a sense of the common good is a much more effective way of gaining acceptance for environmental policies...
与大部分经济学家的政策建议相比,通过对货币激励政策的依赖而抓住共同选择的问题,例如全球变暖,这样做会造成不良影响。由于许多环保思想家(诺顿在 2005年曾说过;奥尼尔在1993年曾说过)争论道,让人们肩负共同的责任,并让人们直接感受到共同利益的吸引力,这样做比让环保政策获得通过更有效率。

Successfully dealing with global climate may require cooperation on an uNPRecedented scale among people with radically different values and radically different needs. Formulating policies that tap into our social and genetic heritage of cooperation offers the best hope for success.

The other thing that's new here is the potential for a conversation about consumption. For the most part, businesses won't lead that conversation and, until recently, environmental groups haven't either. As Lehner put it: "We've talked about it passively on our website...What we are now exploring is talking about it a little more actively."

This won't be easy. It's hard to talk about overconsumption without sounding like you are hectoring people. "It's tricky because it's personal," Lehner says. "It's hard to talk about somebody else's life."

But as we used to say in the '60s, the personal is political. It's not simply a personal choice to drive an SUV when you don't need one; it's an anti-social act, as is idling your car when it's part outside the dry cleaners or Starbucks. The food we eat, the cars we drive, the size of the houses we build and buy and other choices we make have global environmental consequences-particularly because Americans are, on a per capita basis, among the biggest polluters on the planet. So let's get the conversation going.