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  3、Liquid Calories Count 饮品也有热量

  If and when you tally up your calories at the end of a meal or a day, do your calculations take into account what you drank? Do you remember to include that can of soda, smoothie, cup of latte, or cocktail? People tend to guzzle their calories and it really adds up, often more than they realize. For example, that can of soda you drink each morning is the calorie equivalent of a piece of fruit and a slice of toast, about 150 calories. A smoothie can run up to an extra 500 to 1,000 calories despite all the good stuff added in, and a 16-ounce latte with whole milk packs 260 calories. The average margarita — my favorite — has more than 500 calories. What's more, the brain doesn't seem to register liquid calories as accurately as calories that are chewed, and it doesn't send stop-eating signals to keep you from eating more food. If you're taking in only 1,200 to 1,500 calories a day, save those calories for food. Liquid calories add up quickly, so stick with water and calorie-free beverages, and you could lose a pound or more a week. I lost 5 pounds last month because I decided not to have a cocktail periodically with friends.

  如果你有吃饭一餐或一天结束时计算热量的习惯,你会不会把饮品的热量算进去?苏打水、思慕雪、拿铁咖啡、鸡尾酒,这些你有没有算进去?人们常常会吃进去超乎他们想象的热量。比如说,你早上喝掉的一听苏打水的热量相当于一片水果或一片土司,大约为150卡。一杯思慕雪的热量比它所有的原料要高出500- 1000卡路里,而一杯16盎司的全脂牛奶拿铁咖啡含有260卡路里。我最喜欢的一般玛格丽塔鸡尾酒一杯含有500多卡路里。比起固体食物来,大脑好像不怎么在意饮料提供的热量,不会在你喝东西的时候给你发送不要再喝了的信号。如果你一天只打算吸收1200-1500卡路里的热量,还是省些留给食物吧。饮品的热量很容易就被吸收了,所以你要坚持只喝水或无热量饮料。这样,你一周可以减一磅以上体重。上个月我减重5磅,就是得益于我不再时不时和朋友们喝上一杯了。