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  Steven Fink recently received an unsolicited email containing nude photos of a woman whose jilted ex-boyfriend wanted to embarrass her. The guy presumably hoped these private photos would go viral online, and now countless strangers are obliging him in his mean-spirited campaign.

  史蒂芬?芬克(Steven Fink)最近收到一封陌生邮件,里头有一名女子的几张裸照,遭到这名女子抛弃的前男友想羞辱她。那个人想来是希望这些私密照片能在网上广为传播;而现在无数陌生人也确实在充当帮凶,参与到他这个居心不良的行为当中。

  In the pre-Internet age, the dumped boyfriend may have expressed his anger by throwing darts at her photo. These days, however, the outlets for vindictiveness have multiplied almost to infinity -- and your reputation is more fragile than ever.


  All of us now live under the threat of easy and instant humiliation. It's no longer just celebrities and business executives who need to think about aggressive reputation-protection and face-saving techniques.
