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  Not long ago, people who routinely plugged their own names into online search engines were thought to be engaging in 'vanity Googling.' These days, it is an act of self-preservation. 'Google yourself at least once a week,' advises Richard Levick, who heads a strategic communications firm in Washington, D.C. 'You need to track what's being said about you' on blogs, message boards and social-networking websites.

  不久前,总在网络搜索引擎查询自己名字的行为被视为虚荣心使然。如今,这是一种自我保护的手段。华盛顿一家公关公司的负责人理查德?莱维克(Richard Levick)说,每周至少搜索一次你的名字,随时留心关于你的网上言论,无论是在博客、论坛,还是在交友网站上。

  Any time you leave your house, you could be targeted. Drive over to Wal-Mart for a gallon of milk and you may end up on PeopleofWalmart.com. The site -- not, needless to say, affiliated with the retailer -- runs smirk-inducing photos of overweight or oddly dressed shoppers, most of them sent in by other shoppers.


  Such sites raise the question: Have we become a more malicious society? There are differing views.
