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  'Human nature hasn't changed,' says Jonathan Bernstein, a crisis consultant in Los Angeles. 'There have always been people whose aim in life was to cause pain to others. If they saw people embarrassing themselves, they got pleasure in sharing that information. Before the Internet, they had to gossip with their neighbors. Now they can gossip with the world.'

  “人性并没有改变,”洛杉矶危机管理顾问乔纳森?伯恩斯坦(Jonathan Bernstein)说,“总有这样一种人,存在的目的就是给他人带来痛苦。如果他们看到别人的尴尬之事,就想搞得尽人皆知,并以此为乐。没有互联网的时候,他们只能跟邻居窃窃私语;而现在,他们可以跟全世界的人八卦一下。”

  Others argue that there has been a ratcheting up of meanness -- that the changes in technology have made us nastier and more cynical. 'It's like a blood sport,' says Mr. Fink, who runs a crisis-management firm in Los Angeles. 'It feels like everyone has their cellphone out, ready to take a photo that will hurt someone else.'
