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'Here you have an animal that is supposed to live in the Pacific and because the ice in the Arctic is melting, it managed to get through this corridor near the Bering Strait,' he said.


Phillip Clapham of the US government’s National Marine Mammal Laboratory in Seattle told CBS News: "The most plausible explanation is that it came across an ice-free North-West Passage from the Pacific Ocean, and is now wondering where the hell it is."


The theory is that it was part of a group heading north toward Alaska as they migrated from Baja California. Then as a result of the decreasing ice cover which means the North-West Passage is opening up it kept on going before heading south into the Atlantic.


Then, seeking warmer waters, it discovered them in the Mediterranean.


Dr Scheinin said the whale seemed thin but he believed the creature could survive in the Mediterranean.


"Grey whales are very generalist in what they feed on," said Dr Scheinin.


Researchers are considering tracking the whale by satellite which last seen heading south past Jaffa.


"It will be interesting to see where it goes and to follow it,"said Dr Scheinin.
