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2. "My boss knows I'm single and singles me out."


Singles are often expected to work late, travel for business, and take on last minute assignments because they don't have "family commitments." For example, Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell stated last year that the choice of Janet Napolitano as Homeland Security Secretary was an excellentone because she has "no family and no life" and could devote 19-20 hours a day to the job.

上司通常会因为单身的员工没有家庭负担,而期望他们工作到更晚、出差、承担最后一分钟的任务。比如,宾夕法尼亚州的州长Ed Rendell声称,Janet Napolitano作为国家安全部长是一个非常明智的选择,因为她没有家庭生活,每天可以工作19-20小时。

Solution: Value your dating commitments. If your boss asks you to work late, you don't always have to say "yes." Saying that you already have plans is an acceptableexcuse. It's great to be able to put in the hours to get ahead at work, but make sure that you're not allowing work to get in the way of your other life goals.
