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  The average Briton turns upto work with a hangoverthree times a month, according to a survey on Wednesday, and the frequency is expected to increase during next month's World Cup.


  The charity Drinkaware found each day more than 520,000 people in Britain go to work hung over, with nearly one in five of those admitting that as a result they make mistakes and struggle to keep on top oftheir workload.


  "An international sporting event like the World Cup will inevitably capture the attention of the nation and is a great time for people to come together, but hangovers at work are likely to increase," said Drinkaware Chief Executive Chris Sorek.

  Drinkaware执行总监克里斯 索瑞克说:“像世界杯这样的国际体育赛事无疑会吸引大家的关注,这是一个聚会的好时光,但是带着宿醉工作的情况可能会增多。”

  "With hundreds of thousands of people going to work every day after a heavy night, it impacts work productivity and even results in employees going home sick."
