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  Fact 6

  Male smokers may produce less sperm and their sperm may have more abnormalities than that of non-smokers. Women who smoke are more likely to have a miscarriage. Several studies have found that women who smoke have decreased fertility. Of these, one study has found that smokers have about 72% of the fertility of non-smokers。


  Fact 7

  A smoker is 10 times more likely to develop lung cancer. Heavy smokers are 15 to 25 times more at risk than non-smokers. 85% of all male cases and 77% of female cases of lung cancer are related to smoking。

  罪行七:吸烟者患肺癌的可能性是非吸烟者的10倍,烟瘾大的人甚至高达15到25倍!肺癌患者中有85% 的男性和77%的女性都是由吸烟引发的肺癌。

  Fact 8

  Smoking reduces life expectancy by 7 - 8 years. That means, each cigarette shortens the life of the smoker by around 8 minutes。


  Fact 9

  Women smokers who use the pill increase their risk of a heart attack, stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases by about ten times。


  Fact 10

  Over 57,000 reports worldwide have examined the link between cigarette smoking and disease, making it the most researched cause of disease ever investigated in the history of Biomedical Research。
