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  Hi reader, If you’re like most guys, then there is a woman in your life right now that you’d love to start dating... but, you just don’t know how to go from ‘just friends’ into an intimate relationship with her.


  Don’t worry – most guys get COMPLETELY confused when they find themselves in your situation. Since this woman means SO MUCH to you, it can get to the point where you might think, “I don’t want to stuff up our friendship by telling her that I like her... and then have her reject me and not want to hang out anymore...”

  不要担心,大多数男人遇到这种状况时都一样完全没有头绪。因为这个女性对你如此重要,所以你也许会不自觉地想,“我不想弄得连朋友也没法做—— 告诉她我喜欢她,而她拒绝了我,之后,她不想和我一起出去玩了……”

  It’s a valid concern, because if you approach this delicate situation the wrong way – it will usually end up with the woman not wanting to see you anymore...which sucks.

  这种担心是合理的,因为如果你将这种微妙的关系处理得不好,通常的结局就是那个女性不想再见到你—— 那就太糟了。

  So, how do you get out of the ‘friend zone’ with a girl and get her into your bedroom, without ruining the relationship you have?

  那么,你如何才能在不毁掉友谊的基础上,把一个女性从“朋友圈” 里升级到你的卧房里呢?

  Well, as Ash says, you just have to be straight up about it. No beating around the bush – just say what you need to say and then make a move.
