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  * Old bosses from part-time jobs 以前兼职工作的上司

  If you worked a dead-end job in high-school or college, you may be surprised to find out how and where your old boss has moved on. Keep in touch。


  * The people you interview with 曾经面试过你的人

  Even if you don't get the job, keep in touch. They might think of you later。


  * Your friends getting into the job market 你已经参加工作的朋友

  Now is the time to get in touch and turn those friendships into a professional network. As they climb up the ladder, you'll both find opportunities to help each other。


  Generating Professional Contacts 创造社交关系

  You can also generate new professional contacts online and in your community. If you read about someone who sounds interesting, reach out and make contact. Show that you've got a good mind and a good personality. You never know where that will go。


  The real work begins once you get started in the job force. The best professional contacts will probably be developed in the context of your job. Maintain good records of who you meet the context in which you met them, and what they do. Find reasons to keep in touch with the best of them. Join a professional social networking site like LinkedIn to help maintain your network, and maybe even to show it off。


  Throughout your professional life, your network will serve different purposes. It will also change over time -- as it builds up, becomes refined, and sometimes breaks down. But it likely will be the lifeblood of your career。
