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  Nowadays things aren't going smooth. College graduates are having a hard time finding jobs as there are too few job openings, while those who do have jobs are facing staff cutting and salary reduction. In the past many people with jobs coveted better jobs, literally "keeping one eye the bowl and the other on the pan." The situation now can be described as "many people are grabbing for one bowl". Many people are holding fast their bowls--even though they are wood ones which cannot compare with unbreakable iron bowls or luxurious gold bowls--lest other people should grab them awyay。


  To effectively protect their bowls, many people are trying their utternost to give a good impression of themselves. In addition to conscientiously doing their assigned duty well, many people voluntarily take up many other duties not assigned to them, busy from morning till night like a wound clock. Well, comrades, you see, we do appreciate the attitude of taking such initiative in work! However, somethimes one should not overdo things...Confucius says that "going beyong the limit is just as wrong as falling short". That is to say, both doing too much and doing too little are open to discussion alike。


  A former classmate of mine, for example, was so exited when he got his first job that he simply regarded the company with so much affection as his own home. He worked overtime of his own accord and did not go home till very late in the evening. He even dawdled there at weekends, when he had to do with instant noodles as the company's mess hall was not open on holidays. He voluntarily took up many odd jobs, including sending express mails. He expected that his behavior would leave a good impression on his boss and be the top among all the new hands, thus getting promoted as the first one among them。
