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  Knowing what to order at a pizza restaurant can make the difference in nutrition and calories.


  Thin crust is a healthier choice than thick crust, and can shave a lot of calories and fat from a meal. At Pizza Hut, for example, that difference is a healthy fifty calories less per slice, with twenty of these from the added fat that a thick crust will just naturally have.

  薄皮比萨比厚皮比萨更健康,可以让你在这一餐中减少很多卡路里和脂肪的摄入量。比如说必胜客比萨,每块薄皮比萨比每块厚皮比萨要少多达50 卡路里的热量,而一份厚皮比萨本身就含有20 卡路里的额外脂肪。

  In looking at one of their healthier pizzas, the Veggie Lover’s Pizza, this also drops the total fat from nine grams a slice, down to six. In this same pizza, the protein level drops by one gram from thick crust to thin, moving from nine to eight grams per slice. Dietary fiber drops from two grams to one.

  田园蔬菜比萨是必胜客比较健康的一种比萨,它也能减少总脂肪含量——从每块比萨含有9 克脂肪减少到每块6 克。同样大小的这种比萨,薄皮比萨比厚皮比萨的蛋白质含量每块要少1 克——从9 克减少到8 克,而食用纤维从每块2 克减少到1 克。

  Still, there is also a difference in the sugar count. In taking this same example of a thin crust Veggie Lover’s Pizza vs. the thick crust, one gram of sugar is added to the slice of thin crust, bringing it to four grams as opposed to the three grams in the thick crust.

  另外,它们的含糖量也不同。还是以薄皮田园蔬菜比萨和厚皮田园蔬菜比萨为例:一块薄皮比萨比一块厚皮比萨多含1 克糖,即一块厚皮比萨里含有3 克糖,而一块薄皮比萨里含有4 克糖。

  As an added note on pizza crust, according to Eatingwell.com, a whole wheat crust is becoming the preferred choice of many. One of its benefits is an increase in dietary fiber, by fifty percent over regular crust.

  说到比萨饼皮,还要补充的一点是, 根据调查,全麦比萨饼皮成为许多人的首选。它的一个好处就是能够增加食用纤维——比普通的比萨饼皮多50%。