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  For those who prefer a good meaty pizza, leaner choices such as chicken, shrimp, or Canadian bacon will be healthier choices than pepperoni, sausage, and even beef. The nutritional chart for Domino’s Pizza shows their ham to have five to ten less calories per serving than even the chicken, depending upon which pizza is ordered. It also comes in with up to a gram less fat.

  对于那些喜欢吃有许多肉的比萨饼的人来说,鸡肉、虾或加拿大培根等比较瘦的肉比意大利辣香肠、腊肠、甚至牛肉要健康一些。达美乐比萨的营养图表显示,他们的每份火腿比萨比鸡肉比萨甚至要少 5 到10 卡路里热量,具体取决于你点的是哪种比萨。而且火腿比萨比鸡肉比萨的脂肪含量也要少1 克。

  Although low fat or no fat cheeses of various kinds are sometimes used in pizza restaurants, the type of cheese used will also make a difference. If feta cheese is available, it is often the lowest in calories and fat, with American cheese being higher in both than many other choices.
