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  Overall, as far as pizza goes, for the healthiest choices it is generally preferred to have mainly vegetables and/or fruits for toppings, on a thin whole wheat crust with a low fat or no fat cheese, and lean meats (if any are ordered). In this case, ordering a Hawaiian pizza with feta cheese on a whole wheat thin crust, with a side salad, could make a healthy meal.

  就比萨饼而言,总体来说,最健康的选择一般是首选添加了低脂或无脂奶酪、以及瘦肉(如果点的是有肉的比萨的话)的全麦薄饼皮比萨,饼皮上主要是蔬菜和/ 或者水果。一份在全麦薄皮比萨上加了菲达奶酪的夏威夷比萨,再加一份配菜沙拉,就是一餐健康的饮食。

  Another alternative altogether will be salads in general. Often a pizza restaurant will have a nice selection of salads, or even a salad bar that will make a filling meal. Any salad will have a good fiber content and far less calories than pizza will contain. Having a salad before pizza will often cut down on how much pizza is eaten, thus making a salad with some light dressing a healthy choice in either case. It’s almost always the dressing that will add the bulk of the calories and fat here, so light is always the preferred choice.
