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  Can you imagine James Bond asking for a chocolate butterscotch martini, or an apple martini, lemon drop martini or prickly pear martini? Unlikely for the suave superspy.


  Putting a drink in a longstemmed V-shaped glass does not make it a martini. A martini is this: gin and dry vermouth. And maybe an olive or two. Or a twist of lemon peel. It is ice cold and crystal clear, not green or pink.

  不是说将酒倒入V 形高脚玻璃杯就是马提尼。马提尼应该是这样的:杜松子酒和涩苦艾酒混合,还可以装饰一两个橄榄,或一片柠檬皮。它应该口感冰爽,颜色是无色透明的,而不是呈绿色或粉色。

  A martini recipe appears as early as 1882 in a bartender’s manual, although in addition to gin and vermouth, it calls for sweet syrup. Over the years, the martini got drier and drier.

  马提尼的调制方法早在1882 年就出现在一个调酒师的调制手册中,但是除了杜松子酒和苦艾酒外,他还要求加入糖浆。不过这些年来,马提尼越来越不甜了。