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  Barry Barish wants to build the largest science instrument in history to aid in his search for dark matter. Barish, a physicist at the California Institute of Technology, explained that dark matter is a unique kind of matter – stuff – believed to make up a significant portion of the universe.


  Barry Barish: Twenty-five percent of the universe is made up of dark matter, while all the things, like us, make up one percent or less.

  巴里·巴里什:宇宙的25% 都是由暗物质组成,而所有那些像我们人类这样的内容只占宇宙的1% 甚至更少。

  The trouble is, dark matter has never been directly observed with a telescope or any other device. To see dark matter, said Dr. Barish, scientists will have to build the world’s biggest particle accelerator. Barish is leading the effort to design this instrument, called the International Linear Collider.

  问题是,暗物质从未通过望远镜或其他设备直接被观测到。巴里什博士说,要想看到暗物质,科学家们必须要建造世界上最大的粒子加速器。巴里什正在带领团队设计这台被称为 “国际直线对撞机”的仪器。