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  The appointment of Burton comes as no surprise. She had been the late designer’s right hand woman and in October directed his last unfinished collection presented during Paris fashion week.

  对于伯顿的任命在情理之中,她是已故设计师麦昆的左膀右臂,由伯顿指导的麦昆未完成的2011 春夏系列将在今年10 月的巴黎时装周上呈现。


   Burton grew up in Manchester and studied at Central St Martin’s College in 1997. She joined the McQueen design studio a year before she graduated. In 2000 she was appointed its head ofwomenswear design.

  伯顿在曼彻斯特长大,1997 年进入中央圣马丁(艺术与设计)学院学习。她于毕业前一年进入麦昆设计工作室,2000 年她被任命为女装设计部的总设计师。

  Burton said: “The creation of modern beautifully crafted clothes was at the heart of Lee’s vision. I intend to stay true to his legacy.”

  伯顿说:“制作具有现代感、手工精良的服装是李(亚历山大·麦昆的全名是Lee Alexander McQueen)设计理念的核心。我希望将他的理念传承下去。”