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  Go nuts, over-the-top disaster  令人抓狂,大麻烦

  “Sue Sylvester doesn’t go nuts – she makes others go nuts, effortlessly. In less skilledhands, there’s no doubt she would be an over-the-top disaster. But thanks to the incomparableJane Lynch, I can’t wait to see what trouble the character stirs up next.”

  “苏·斯维斯特自己并不会抓狂,却可以轻而易举地让别人发狂。在那些技术并不高超的队员眼中,她无疑是个大麻烦。但由于简 林奇精彩绝伦的演绎,我已经迫不及待地想看看他接下来要制造什么麻烦了。”

  [注释: ■ Nuts作为形容词指“发狂的”,go nuts指“抓狂”, 如: I’ll go nuts if I have to wait for two hours。说某人是个“大麻烦”可以说sb is a disaster/trouble。Over-the-top形容“过头的”。Stir up trouble意思是“引起麻烦”。]

  Jane Lynch won the award for Outstanding Support Actress in a Comedy Series for playing a high school cheerleading coach Sue Sylvester in Glee. It’s Fox’s musical comedy, which is starting its second season soon.

  简 林奇凭借在《欢乐合唱团》中扮演高中拉拉队教练苏·斯维斯特一角,而获得喜剧类最佳女配角奖项。作为福克斯推出的音乐喜剧,该剧即将进入第二季。