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  Just what do tweens Justin Bieber and Jaden Smith do after their concerts? Well, it appears that they go bowling and break out into dance battles! That's what happened Tuesday night after they performed at Madison Square Garden.

  当红小正太贾斯汀-比伯与威尔-史密斯的公子贾登-史密斯同为指日可待的明日之星,而哥们两在私底下交情不错,近日有媒体报道,在纽约麦迪逊广场演唱会过后,两人余兴未了,又一同去到了一家名为“Lucky Strike Lanes & Lounge”酒吧尽情玩乐。

资料图 贾斯汀·比伯与亲密兄弟酒吧狂飙舞

  Justin, 16, and Jaden, 12, apparently busted some awesome moves to Justin Rudolph's song "You Make the Rain Fall," and, conveniently, the whole epic display was caught on camera by the Bieb's documentary crew. (He's filming a 3D film about himself, for those of you not signed up for Bieber news alerts.)

  十六岁的贾斯汀和十二岁的贾登兴致上来,更大秀舞技,你方唱罢我登场,尬舞的比拼气氛浓厚,在凯文-鲁道夫的歌曲《You Make the Rain Fall》伴奏下,两人迫不及待的一展舞池风采。而这段精彩画面也被摄影机记录下来,之后将会在贾斯汀-比伯纪录片中出现,请广大粉丝拭目以待。之余谁才是尬舞冠军?