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比利时全国除猫 对猫进行阉割手术


  Many are sceptical about the proposal. "Not a good idea. It won't be easy. They'll never be able to sterilise all the cats," said Alan, who helps to run the Nos Amis Fidles kennels in Waterloo, south of Brussels.

  很多人质疑此项提案,来自布鲁塞尔南边滑铁卢的艾伦说:“(这个提案)不是一个好主意,也没这么简单。他们不可能给所有的猫进行阉割手术。”艾伦在一家名叫“Nos Amis Fidles”的养狗场工作。

  But the animal welfare council is strongly supportive of the scheme. "We don't want the cat to vanish from the earth," said Ann De Greef, "A cat can have one pregnancy every six months and 36 offspring in less than 16 months."

  但是动物福利委员会非常支持这项方案,安妮·德·格里夫说 “我们也不希望把猫这种动物从地球上清除出去,但是一只猫每六个月就可以怀孕一次,不到16个月就能产下36个后代。