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布蕾克·莱弗利勤学厨艺 最想当厨娘


  Unlike her character Serena Van der Woodsen, Lively had a solid, tight-knit family upbringing and, as the youngest of five children, wants to create that big family for herself someday.


  "I want babies. Lots of babies. Of course!" Lively, 23, tells the October issue of Allure.

  If she is planning to have kids with her beau and costar Penn Badgley, Lively is keeping mum.

  "I don't comment on my relationships, so you can skip that one!," she says. "My anonymity is something I treasure. Wanting to be an actor and wanting to be famous are different."


  The actress, who is busy promoting the film, The Town, opening this weekend, is already thinking about life beyond acting and even has another career in mind – a restaurateur. "I want to have a brunch place, a bakery, and a Southern restaurant because my family's from Georgia," Lively says, "and then I want a place that is all-over-the-world cuisine."


  She is well on her way. An avid baker, Lively takes cooking classes when she travels to experience different cultural cuisines and has even stored away many family recipes. But when asked to share, Lively responds playfully, "They're for my restaurants."
