谷歌欲推出新引擎 每项搜索省时5秒
Google today announced new 'Instant' search results that change what you are shown as you type.The technology giant claims the new feature will reduce the time spent on search by two to five seconds per request, saving its more than 1 billion weekly users about 350 million hours a year.
近日,在旧金山召开的搜索大会上,Google“重磅”推出搜索结果加速版搜索—Google Instant,这种新型搜索引擎最令人可喜之处在于用户拥有“更快的搜索效率”(当用户搜索时,Google Instant就能提供出结果)。该技术将提高人们搜索时间,通过预测用户的搜索,在完成输入前就可以展示结果,平均每项搜寻请求能提高2---5秒的速度。节约了每周近1亿用户约350万小时的搜索时间。
The change, called 'Google Instant,' is available to all users on google.com in English in the US, and also to users who sign into their Google account in Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Russia and the UK.

Google is accelerating its search engine by displaying the results as soon as users begin to type in their requestsThe instant results only will be displayed on Google's standard website, which features little more than its logo and a search box.
搜索结果加速版搜索—Google Instant最大的突破就是提供了“瞬间结果”(一开始输入,结果就显示在你眼前)在以前,你必须输入完所有的搜索内容,然后寻找最适合的内容。现在只要输入出搜索对象,即使文字还没有拼写完,谷歌也会讲猜测的高机率搜索答案提供在你的面前。据悉,搜索引擎相比旧google搜索引擎在外貌没有本质的不同,只不过添加了些少许装饰而已。
giant n.大公司;强大的组织
feature vt. 以…为物色 是…特征
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