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  A pensioner who has smoked almost 300,000 cigarettes during his lifetime has celebrated his 100th birthday. Arthur Langran, who survived being blown up by a grenade during the Second World War, claims the secret behind his longevity is always doing what everyone tells him not to. The father-of-two started smoking when he was 20 and has smoked at least ten cigarettes every day since then - the equivalent of 292,000.

  近日,一名百岁的领取抚恤金者在庆贺他自己的“百岁生日”的时候吸引了媒体的眼球,据统计,他的一生中所抽的香烟的数量已经达到了30万根!可别认为他长寿是因为抽烟啊!其实他长寿是有“秘诀”的呢。这位老人的名字叫Arthur Langran,他在二战期间一次手榴弹袭击中幸存,他偷偷告诉记者:“我长寿的秘诀就是:别人不允许我做什么,我就非要做什么。”这位老人已经是2个孩子的父亲了,他从20岁开始就吸烟了,如此算来,他的烟龄竟然达到了“80年”,香烟累积30万根。

  His son Peter, 60, has admitted he's told his father, who was born an orphan, to continue his routine of smoking and drinking.'These days he rolls himself five or six a day but used to smoke more and has his pipe once in the morning and once in the afternoon,' he said.'The doctor has said it's not worth getting him to give up the cigarettes.



  grenade n. 手榴弹;灭火弹