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梅尔·吉普森衰事不断 遭遇事业低谷


  Mel Gibson has been dropped by his agency and he has an unreleased movie (The Beaver) with little hope of ever hitting a theater, but it's reportedly a "done deal" that he'll be making a cameo appearance in the upcoming sequel to the 2009 smash comedy hit The Hangover.

  闹出“家暴”丑闻,沦为娱乐圈笑柄的梅尔-吉普森不仅被经济人解约,连累新片《The Beaver》恐怕永无见光之日,爱情事业都不得志的他最近只有靠“打打酱油”搏些曝光了,据国外媒体报道,梅尔-吉普森已经签下一纸合约,将在2009年票房黑马——《宿醉》的续集中以客串明星的身份出现。

  An unnamed source revealed to the New York Post that Mel will be playing a Bangkok tattoo artist who runs into the boys as they take a trip to Thailand. It will be his first film appearance since ex-girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva accused him of beating her while she was holding the couple's child.

  "It's a done deal. Mel will make a cameo as a tattoo artist," the source said. "Filming is taking place on the Warner Bros. lot, where a Bangkok set has been built, and Mel is expected to film his role in two weeks. Then the production moves to Thailand at the end of October."


  Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, Zach Galifianakis and Justin Bartha are all slated to return for the sequel. The first movie did wonders to rehabilitate the image of former heavyweight champion Mike Tyson, who added laughs along with a key plot element.

  So far neither Mel's reps or Warner Bros. studios have confirmed his appearance in the movie, which is due out next May.
