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  Trade was important to China and the goods that China was known for -- silk, porcelain, and art -- were highly sought out by the West. The Silk Road, the overland journey that originated in Europe, through the Arab world and into China via the Gobi desert was at the time of the early Ming becoming more and more dangerous. All parties involved were seeking new routes to trading ports in India, Southeast Asia, the Middle East and Europe. This was the time of the early Renaissance and the beginning of the age of exploration in Europe. However, modern history is only beginning to recognize the Chinese treasure fleets helmed by Zheng as the earliest winners in the race.


  In the early years of the 1400s, the Ming Dynasty as well as Nanjing was reaching new heights of wealth and power. Emperor Zhu Di, in order to show the finer aspects of Chinese culture to the world adopted an aggressive policy of exploration. His goal was to reach out to across the known world and dazzle all who were encountered with the glory of the Chinese and to receive tribute from these countries. This resulted in seven voyages that stretched far and wide spreading diplomacy, establishing trade routes and returning with riches and artifacts never before seen in China.
