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  The first two voyages made travels to what are now Indonesia, Singapore and India. Here Zheng and his fleet concluded contracts for the ever-growing and allimportant spice trade that added to the wealth of the emperor. Additionally, Zheng won favor with local leaders who in turn traveled to Nanjing to pay tribute to the imperial court. One such example was that the king of Boni (what is now modern day Brunei) visited China and upon his passing away was even buried in Nanjing with full imperial pomp usually reserved for an emperor. China was opening up to the world.


  The later voyages of Zheng extended to Africa and the Arab world. For the first time Chinese explorers could see other great nation-states of the world. On the African coast the treasure fleet was welcomed by large cities built with stone, not barbaric peoples as once thought. The coffers were filled not only with the standard treasures and artifacts but a menagerie of wild African animals including ostriches and giraffes to be sent back to the emperor.


  The relationships made on Arab land gave the Chinese doctors and pharmacologists who accompanied Zheng access to new medicinal herbs and creations. Also, specifically for the Muslim Zheng these trips gave him and his court the ability to visit not only mosques but also other religious sites of Buddhism along the way. These voyages helped to spread not only tangible but also the spiritual and philosophical components of Chinese culture.
