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  As the very embodiment of a metrosexual man, David Beckham moisturises, tidies his eyebrows and even famously once wore a skirt - and now it seems he's added shaving his legs to his list of girly goings on.

  The footballer was spotted with suspiciously smooth pins when he stripped down to his pants to get changed in front of the crowds at a recent LA Galaxy match. The naturally smooth-chested Beckham - who used to endorse Gillett razors - had previously revealed rather hair-free legs when he posed in his pants in his notorious 2007 Giorgio Armani adverts.

  在最近的一场洛杉矶银河队的比赛上,这位前英格兰队队长在场边“换裤子”的时候被媒体拍了个正着。看到这张照片,全世界最最开心的就是小贝代言的“吉列剃须刀”厂商了,据悉,小贝在代言2007年的乔治· 阿玛尼(意大利设计师或服装品牌) 时候,还自豪地“展示了”自己那双玉腿呢。

  Fellow former Manchester United Cristiano Ronaldo is also a fan of the hair-free look, and Wayne Rooney also revealed he'd got rid of his rug in favour of a baby-smooth chest during England's defeat to Germany in the World Cup this summer.


  Of exposing his feminine side, Beckham has previously confessed: 'I always liked to look good, even when I was a little kid. 'I was given the option when I was a page boy once of either wearing a suit or wearing knickerbockers and long socks and ballet shoes - and I chose the ballet shoes and knickerbockers.'



  embodiment n. 体现;化身;具体化

  metrosexual man n. 都市玉男,都会美型男